Dear City of Fairfax Band Supporters:
With the increasing changes in how COVID-19 is impacting our community, the City of Fairfax Band Association has made the decision to postpone our presentation of “Music of the Knights” scheduled for March 14, 2020. Following recommendations on suspension of large gatherings from the Virginia Department of Health, we believe this is the right decision at this time.
While disappointing to postpone the March 14th concert, it is our intention to reschedule this concert, if possible. We are exploring options, with the venue and guest artists. For now, hold on to your March 14th concert tickets as we work through the details associated with rescheduling. We will post updated information on our website, in an email blast and posts on our Facebook page once finalized.
The City of Fairfax Band Association appreciates your continued support and we are grateful for your understanding in these unprecedented circumstances. The well-being of our audiences, guest artists, musicians, and staff will always be our foremost concern.
Wishing you good health and peace of mind,
Libby Fike
City of Fairfax Band Association, Inc.